
(21 NOV 2024)

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024
Venue: ND 4, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre
Attendance: Open to Main Congress attendees only
Fee: USD 150 per person

0830-1010 Post-Graduate Course 1- GastroenterologyChair: Ari Fahrial Syam
(President of Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology)
0830 -0850 The Strategy of Colorectal Cancer Surveillance in the Area with Limited Facilities Joseph Sung (Singapore)
0850-0910 Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology: Where are we now? Stephen Tsao (Singapore)
0910-0930 How to Diagnose Motility Disorder?
Somchai Leelakusolvong (Bangkok)
0930-0950 The Challenges in the Management of IBS  Kewin Tien Ho Siah (Singapore)
0950-1010Comprehensive Management of IBD Govind K Makharia (New Delhi)
1010-1030Coffee Break
1030-1150Post-Graduate Course 2  - Hepatology Chair: Andri Sanityoso Sulaiman
(President of Indonesian Association for the Study of the Liver)
1030-1050MAFLD: From the New Perspective to Treat Comprehensively George Lau (Hong Kong)
1050-1110Comprehensive Management of Chronic Hepatitis B based on Latest Guideline Diana Payawal (Manila)
1110-1130Update in the Management of Portal Hypertension
Shiv Kumar Sarin (Delhi)
1130-1150Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Role of Biomarkers Teerha Piratvisuth (Hat Yai)
1300-1400Post-Graduate Course 3  - Surgery
Chair: Seigo Kitano (Oita), Kent-Man Chu (Hong Kong)
1300-1320Endoscopic Surgery: A Way for Minimally Invasive Approach in Colorectal Cancer Ping-Hong Zhou (Shanghai)
1320-1340The Development of Robotic Surgery in Gastrointestinal Surgical Approach
Philip Wai-Yan Chiu (Hong Kong)
1340-1400Bariatric Surgery:
Is It a Solution Against Obesity Problem Among Asia-Pacific Population?
Lee Hyuk Joon (Seoul)
1400-1540 Post-Graduate Course 4  - Endoscopy Chair: Achmad Fauzi
(President of Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy/ISDE)
1400-1420The Approach to Increase the Quality of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Takuji Gotoda (Tokyo)
1420-1440The Strategy to Overcome the Difficult Cannulation in Patient Who Underwent the ERCP
Ichiro Yasuda (Toyoma)
1440-1500New Development in Endotherapy of Pancreatobiliary Malignancy 
Nageshwar Reddy (Hyderabad)
1500-1520The Role of EUS in Endoscopic Based Therapy in Gastrointestinal and Hepatobilliary Field
Kenneth F Binmoeller (San Francisco)
1520-1540Mediastinal EUS for Gastroenterologist
Hussein Okasha (Cairo)


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