

The APDW 2024 Organizing Committee would like to invite interested parties to submit abstracts and stand a chance to present their research at APDW 2024

Abstract submitters may specify their preferred presentation mode, subject to review and selection by the Abstract Selection Committee for either oral or poster presentation formats.

How to submit abstracts

Step 1
Complete registration (payment not required yet). Abstract Submission Link will be shared via email.

Step 2
Submit your
Abstracts by

5 Aug 2024

Step 3
Receive Acceptance Notice by 

late Aug / Sep 2024

Step 4
Complete payment on or before

15 Sep 2024


For review purposes, abstracts are required to be categorized into different themes as follows:

  • Upper GI bleeding
  • GERD and esophageal disease
  • H pylori infection
  • Functional dyspepsia and gastritis
  • Gut-brain-axis disorders
  • IBD
  • IBS
  • Pancreatitis and biliary tract diseases
  • GI oncology

  • Upper GI endoscopy
  • Colorectal endoscopy
  • Small bowel endoscopy
  • Biliary endoscopy
  • Capsule endoscopy
  • ESD/EMR 
  • EUS
  • ERCP and biliary drainage
  • Tunnel techniques
  • Hepatitis B/ Hepatitis C
  • Cirrhosis
  • HCC
  • Liver failure
  • Liver transplantation complications
  • Portal hypertension
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • GI cancers
  • Liver surgery
  • Pancreatic surgery
  • Pancreatitis treatment
  • Bariatric therapy for obesity
  • Pediatric GI surgery
  • IBD surgery

Abstract Structure

1. Title:
 The title should indicate the abstract content. Company or trade names, special symbols, characters and uncommon abbreviations are not permitted

2. Type: You may select one of the following types of abstract 
     - Original Research (Poster Presentation)
     - Original Research (Oral Presentation)
     - Case Report 
     - YIA Presentation
     - Video Challenge

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Abstract Selection Committee who will select and determine the final mode of presentation: 
  • Original Research: Poster or Oral Presentation
  • Case Report: Poster or Oral Presentation
  • YIA Presentation: Oral Presentation
  • Video Challenge: Live Oral Presentation to video (Please refer to the Video Challenge Section below for more details)

3. Content: 
Abstract body should not exceed 250 words. Content must be organised in the following structure, based on the abstract type
  • Original Research / YIA Presentation abstracts must include the headings: "Objectives", "Materials and Methods", "Results" and "Conclusion"
  • Case Report abstracts must include the headings: "Background", "Case report", and "Discussion"
  • Video Challenge abstract must include a Video Synopsis (250 words or less) and a 3-4 recorded presentation video.

Young Investigator Awards

The purpose of the Young Investigator Award (YIA) is to stimulate interest in research training by rewarding outstanding examples of excellence amongst those involved in research training in the early stages of his/her career. 

Application Requirements:

  • Applicant must be of 45 years old or below and be in early stages of his/her career i.e. up to five (5) years following the completion of training.
  • Applicant must be from nationalities of Asia Pacific countries.
  • Applicant must submit the training certification and curriculum vitae during online abstract submission. 
  • Applicant must be first author of abstract and a registered participant of the congress.
  • The shortlisted oral abstract must be presented by applicant during the meeting.

Selection Process:

  • Applicant should select ‘YIA Application’ during submission of abstract for oral presentation. 
  • Shortlisted abstracts are based on scores assigned by the Abstract Selection Committee and all successful applicants will be notified.
  • The Abstract Selection Committee’s decision is final. 

Video Challenge Eligibility

  • The 6 best video abstracts will be selected to give present the case live during APDW 2024, and receive a winning certificate.
  • During the Live Video Challenge presentation, audio of the submitted video clip will be muted to allow a 3 to 4-minute of live on-site oral presentation of the video. An additional 3-minute Q&A session will be allotted after each presentation.

Video Challenge Submission Guideline

  • A complete submission consists of: (1) Author's registration, (2) a written Video Abstract Synopsis (submitted via the Video Abstract Portal) and (3) a MP4 video (submitted via Dropbox). Incomplete submissions will not be honored
  • The endoscopy video challenge is designed to showcase interesting cases or techniques in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy or gastrointestinal surgery. Video presentations can demonstrate accepted techniques, difficult or interesting cases, complications or innovations within the field of gastroenterological endoscopy.
  • Duration of the video should be 3-4 minutes, which should include introduction, case presentation, and conclusion / clinical application. Video must be submitted in .mp4 format via the designated Dropbox folder. Self-voice narration MUST be included in the video submission (autogenerated voice narration WILL NOT be accepted).
  • Any patient identifying information MUST be excluded or obscured from video clips and narration.
  • Abstract titles should not exceed 15 words. Identifying information like author or institution names must not be included in the title.
  • The written Abstract Synopsis should not exceed 250 words. 
  • Abbreviations should conform to the recommendations made by the IUB Committee of Editors on Biochemical Journals. Use the abbreviation in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Use no more than five nonstandard abbreviations. Drug products mentioned in abstracts should be identified by their generic names only.

Abstract Submission Terms & Conditions

  • All abstracts must be submitted in English. 
  • Only online submissions are accepted. Other forms of submission will not be considered. 
  • Abstracts should contain original material that has neither been published nor presented at another International meeting at the time of submission. In addition, abstracts should not be submitted to international meetings which take place before APDW 2024. However, abstracts submitted to, or presented at, local and national meetings will be considered. 
  • Since all abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation will be published, they should be of copy-proof quality.
  • Please refer to Abstract Submission Page for Acceptance Notification.
  • Presenting authors are required to register for the congress if the paper is accepted. If the registration fee of the presenting author is not received by the given deadline, his / her paper will be considered as being withdrawn.


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