
(20 NOV 2024)

Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024
Time: 08:00 to 17:00
Venue: Courtyard Bali Nusa Dua Resort
Attendance: Open to APDWF-JGHF Travel Grant Recipients, who have registered for the Main Congress
Fee: Complimentary

All travel grant recipients will be offered one night accommodation with breakfast at the Courtyard Bali Nusa Dua Resort on the 19 Nov night. Additional nights may be booked at the Congress Website @ USD 105 nett per room.

0830-0945 Session 1 - Doing Research: Introduction to Study Designs

0830 -0855 Case Control Studies Murdani Abdullah (Jakarta)
0855-0920 Cohort Studies Peter D Siersema (Nijmegen)
0920-0945 Interventional Studies (Including RCT)
Wah-Kheong Chan (Kualan Lumpur)
0945-1000 Coffee Break
1000-1115 Session 2 - Tips from Experts 1
1000-1025 Hepatology Diana Payawal (Manila)
1025-1050 Survival Analysis Rakesh Aggarwal (Puducherry)
1050-1115 Meta Analysis Rupert Leong (Sydney)
1115-1215 Lunch
1215-1330 Session 3 - Trends and Research Challenges

1215-1240 Gastroenterology Han-Mo Chiu (Taipei)
1240-1305 GI Endoscopy Jeong-Sik Byeon (Seoul)
1305-1330 Propensity Score
Terry C F Yip (Hong Kong)
1330-1410 Session 4A - Practical Session - Group Discussion on Research
1410-1530 Session 4B - Practical Session - Group Presentation

1530-1545 Coffee Break
1545-1700 Session 5 - Tips from Experts 2
1545-1610 Establishing Collaboration in Research: Why and How?
Rajvinder Singh (Vale Park)
1610-1635 How to Get Published in High Impact Journal?
Vinay Chandrasekhara (Jacksonville)
1635-1700 How to Give a Powerful Presentation
James Lau (Napa)


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